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How to Declutter your home?

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There is always a part of our homes that is filled with chaos - be it a closet filled to the brim with clothes, a garage overtaken by boxes, or a desk buried under a mountain of papers. Clutter not only disrupts our living space but can also have a profound effect on our mental health, leading to stress and decreased productivity. Clutter can feel overwhelming, but there is a solution. 

Here are some practical strategies for effectively decluttering your home:

According to a survey by OfferUp, Americans have an average of 36 unused items in their homes, worth around $3,100.

What is Decluttering and its Importance?

Decluttering is the method of systematically clearing and organizing a space by eliminating unnecessary or unused items. Its importance lies in creating a more functional, organized, and visually appealing environment. Decluttering reduces chaos, improves efficiency, and enhances mental well-being by promoting a sense of order. It maximizes usable space, simplifies daily tasks, and reduces stress associated with clutter. Additionally, decluttering fosters a better understanding of one's belongings, encourages mindful consumption, and can even lead to a more sustainable lifestyle.

How to Declutter Your Home? 10 Easy Step Approach

Here are useful steps with essential Tips for Effective Home Decluttering.

Step #1: Set Realistic Goals

Start small, perhaps with a single room or even a part of a room. Make a schedule and stick to it. Set achievable targets to avoid getting overwhelmed, and celebrate your victories, no matter how small.

Tip: Write down your goals and deadlines on a calendar or planner to serve as visual reminders and motivation.

Step #2: Sorting and Categorizing

Separate your belongings into four categories: Keep, Discard, Donate, and Unsure. This system helps to simplify decisions and keeps you organized as you go through your items.

Tip: Use different colored bins or bags for each category to make the sorting process visually clear and straightforward.

Step #3: Letting Go

This step is often the most challenging. Ask yourself when you last used an item and if it genuinely contributes to your life. If the answer is no, then it's time to part with it.

Tip: Take a photo of sentimental items that you don’t need to keep physically. The photo will preserve the memory without the clutter.

Step #4: Organize What Remains

Once you have eliminated all the unnecessary items, proceed to organize what remains. Consider investing in organizational tools like shelves, bins, and organizers. Ensure everything has a designated spot.

Tip: Label your storage containers clearly, so you always know where to find and put back items.

Step #5: Deep Clean

Once you have cleared the clutter, give your space a thorough cleaning. This act not only revitalizes the space but also encourages you to maintain your new, clutter-free environment.

Tip: Use natural cleaners like vinegar and baking soda for an eco-friendly cleaning solution.

Step #6: Make a Maintenance Plan

Decluttering is more than a one-time task; it's a shift in lifestyle. Schedule regular times to reassess your spaces and ensure that clutter isn’t piling up again.

Tip: Try the “one in, one out” rule: when you bring a new item into your home, let go of an old one.

Step #7: Consider the Emotional Aspect

Decluttering isn't just about physical belongings; it can be an emotional process too. Recognize that letting go of some items may be difficult, but focus on the positive feelings that come from creating a clean and orderly space.

Tip: Create a memory box for sentimental items that you want to keep but don't need on display.

Step #8: Involve the Family

If you live with others, make decluttering a shared responsibility. Encourage each person to take charge of their areas or belongings, and consider making it a fun, family event.

Tip: Use incentives or rewards to motivate children to participate in decluttering.

Step #9: Think Sustainable

When discarding items, consider environmentally friendly options such as recycling or donating. Seek out local charities or community centers that may welcome your used items.

Tip: For electronic waste, find special recycling centers that can properly handle these materials.

Step #10: Embrace Minimalism (Optional)

If you find joy in the newfound simplicity, you might want to explore the concept of minimalism. It emphasizes living with less, focusing on quality over quantity, and appreciating what you have.

Tip: Start with one area, like your wardrobe, and see how this minimalist approach feels before applying it to other parts of your home.

Decluttering is a process—it’s about progress, not perfection. Celebrate the steps you take, no matter how small, towards a brighter, lighter, and more joyful living space. With these steps and tips, you have a complete roadmap to create a harmonious and joyful living environment. 

Decluttering Your Home, Room-by-Room

Although the core principles of decluttering remain consistent, each room in your home has its unique challenges and solutions. By breaking the process down into smaller tasks, you can gradually transform each area into a functional and serene environment.

Below, we provide tailored tips to help you effectively eliminate clutter and maximize space throughout every area of your residence.

How to Declutter your Living Room?

  • Books and DVDs: Review your collection and keep only those you love or will re-read/watch. Donate or sell the rest.

  • Decorations: Retain only the ornaments that spark happiness or hold sentimental value. Simplicity in decor often enhances the ambiance.

  • Furniture Arrangement: Consider rearranging your furniture to create a flow that maximizes open space. A well-placed sofa and minimal additional seating can make a room feel spacious yet cozy.

  • Electronics: Evaluate your electronic devices and cords. Recycle old devices, and use cord organizers to keep everything neat.

  • Rugs and Carpets: Consider removing or replacing old, worn-out rugs to instantly refresh the room's look and feel.

Did you know? A survey conducted by the National Soap and Detergent Association revealed that 80% of respondents felt more relaxed in a clean room. 

How to Declutter Your Kitchen?

  • Pantry and Fridge: Empty shelves completely, then clean them. Only put back the items that you genuinely use and love. Make sure everything is fresh and unexpired.

  • Utensils and Cookware: Keep only the utensils and cookware that you regularly use. Donate duplicates or rarely used items.

  • Minimize Dishes: Keep enough dishes to accommodate your household and a few guests. Donate the rest.

  • Spices and Condiments: Regularly check expiration dates and organize them in a way that makes them easily accessible.

  • Appliances: If an appliance doesn't get used at least monthly, consider if it's worth the space it takes up.

How to Declutter Your Bedroom?

  • Clothes Decluttering: Apply the KonMari method—keep clothes that spark joy.

  • Closet Organization: Organize the clothes you are keeping by type (pants, shirts, etc.) and then by color.

  • Nightstand and Dressers: Keep only essential items on your nightstand. Use drawer organizers in your dressers to separate and neatly store different types of clothing.

  • Shoes: Use a similar method to clothes; if you haven't worn them in the past year, donate or sell them.

  • Storage Under the Bed: Utilize under-the-bed storage for seasonal clothing or items, but avoid it becoming a ‘junk drawer.’

How to Declutter your Bathroom?

  • Products: Dispose of expired products and donate or gift unopened items that you won't use.

  • Medicine: Safely dispose of expired or unneeded medications. Keep a small, organized medicine box for essentials.

  • Linens: Keep two sets of towels and washcloths per person, and two sets of bed linens per bed. Donate or repurpose the rest.

  • Cleaning Supplies: Keep only necessary cleaning products, and consider multipurpose cleaners to reduce the number of bottles.

  • Makeup and Beauty Products: Regularly clean out your makeup bag or drawer, disposing of old or expired products.

How to Declutter your Home Office, Study room, Library?

  • Paperwork: Create a filing system with categories for bills, taxes, medical records, etc. Shred and dispose of unnecessary papers.

  • Digital Files: Organize digital files into folders and use a consistent naming system. Regularly backup important files.

  • Office Supplies: Keep only what you need and use. Donate extras or rarely used items to a local school or nonprofit organization.

  • Desk Surface: Strive for a minimalist desk layout; a clutter-free workspace is a catalyst for enhanced focus and efficiency.

  • Books and Reference Materials: Keep only essential books and materials that are relevant to your work or interests.

How to Declutter Garage/Storage Areas?

  • Tools: Organize tools in a toolbox or on a pegboard. Donate or sell duplicates or tools you no longer use.

  • Seasonal Items: Use clear bins to store and label seasonal items. Keep only decorations and equipment you use annually.

  • Rarely Used Items: If it hasn't been used in the past year and isn’t a necessary emergency item, it's likely time to sell or donate it.

  • Paint and Chemicals: Properly dispose of old or unused paint, chemicals, and hazardous materials.

  • Sporting Equipment: Organize and store sporting equipment in an accessible way, and sell or donate items no longer used.

 How to Declutter Other Rooms?

  • Hallways and Entryways: Use hooks, benches, or cubbies to organize outerwear and footwear, and keep the entrance clutter-free.

  • Outdoor Spaces: For balconies, patios, or gardens, keep only outdoor furniture that is in good condition and gets used. Regularly maintain garden tools and supplies.

Decluttering doesn't have to be an insurmountable challenge. By approaching it room by room, you transform your entire home into a more peaceful and functional space. Remember that decluttering is not about deprivation; it’s about making room for more: more happiness, more creativity, and more peace

Did you know? The global cleaning services market size was valued at USD 40.02 billion in 2020 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.2% from 2021 to 2028 (source: Grand View Research).

How Amenify Can Help:

Discover the life-changing impact of decluttering with us. At Amenify, we recognize the importance of a clutter-free environment, offering professional cleaning services to more than 1.6 million apartments across 800+ cities. Sign up today, and relish the freedom and peace that a professionally cleaned space can offer.