Resident Survey & Amenify Score
Impactful Resident Insights
Property-Level Data Report
Guaranteed High Participation Rate
Actionable Recommendations
No Cost (Limited Time)
Impactful Resident Insights
Top-requested amenities
Top-requested services
Customizable for Clients
High adoption from $50-$300 gift to each respondent
Fully Customizable
Co-branded or white-label available
Edit or add questions
Amenify does the work
Detailed Property Analysis
Amenify scrapes all public data
Physical and service-based amenity analysis
Online Review updates for all major platforms
How It Works: Same-Day Survey
Customize Survey
10-minutes with Amenify Client Services Team
You Send The Email
Amenify generates a custom, integrated link to collect data
Amenify Does The Rest
Collect data, provide gift to Resident, analyze properties for report. This typically takes less than 7-calendar days once sent.
500+ Cities
50,000+ Five-Star Reviews
End-To-End Technology