12 Grocery Shopping Tips to Save Both Time and Money

For some, it's a joy; for others, it's a chore they'd rather avoid—yes, we're talking about the polarizing task of grocery shopping. We all want to manage a food budget, whether it's for yourself or for your entire family. You must have felt like a chaotic juggling act that leaves you feeling overwhelmed and disoriented.

However, the notion that grocery shopping on a budget means compromising on taste is a myth. The truth is, with some foresight and inventive planning, it's entirely possible to enjoy nutritious, flavorful meals that your entire household will appreciate.

Navigating the aisles of a grocery store can be overwhelming if you're not prepared. However, armed with a few essential tips, you can not only save time but also money. 

In our previous article we have discussed the future of on-demand grocery delivery apps. Here are some indispensable 12 grocery shopping tips you should know to save money and time. 

According to the most recent data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average annual expenditure on groceries for Americans stands at $5,259, which roughly translates to about $438 per month. While inflation may be tapering off in some areas, food prices continue to maintain their elevated levels compared to the previous year.

12 Grocery Shopping Tips to Save Both Time and Money

Our grocery expenses are influenced by factors like your choice of store, pricing, shopping list, and the size of your household. However, irrespective of your budget, there are straightforward strategies to cut costs, such as selecting the most advantageous payment method or employing coupons. These savings can accumulate over each shopping trip and counterbalance the rising grocery prices. This guide will provide 12 expert tips to save on grocery shopping.

grocery shopping tips to save both time and money

Tip #1: Plan Ahead and Make a Shopping List

This step is divided into two parts: first you need to create a weekly meal plan and based on that create a grocery shopping list.

Create a Meal Plan

Knowing what meals you'll prepare throughout the week is the cornerstone of efficient and budget-friendly grocery shopping. When you have a meal plan:

  • Avoid Overbuying: You'll purchase only the ingredients you need, reducing food waste.

  • Balance Nutrition: You can plan for a variety of foods to ensure you're meeting your dietary needs.

  • Save Time: No more last-minute dashes to the store; everything you need will be in your pantry or fridge.

Make a Shopping List

Armed with your meal plan, the next step is to create a comprehensive shopping list. Here's why this is crucial:

  • Prevent Impulse Buys: A list acts as a disciplined guide, helping you avoid the temptation of unnecessary items.

  • Streamline Your Trip: With a list in hand, you can navigate the store more efficiently, saving you time.

  • Track Your Budget: Knowing exactly what to buy allows you to keep a closer eye on costs, making it easier to stick to your budget.

When you combine the tasks of meal planning and creating a shopping list, you not only ensure a cost-effective shopping experience, but also establish a highly organized and hassle-free approach.

Tip #2: Choose the Right Time for grocery Shopping

Pre-plan your grocery shopping day and time. This helps you save time by not standing in long payment queues. You can either go early in the morning or midweek.

Early Morning or Late Evening

Shopping during these quieter times has several advantages:

  • Ease of Navigation: With fewer people, you can easily move through the aisles, making your trip faster and more efficient.

  • Fresh Inventory: Early mornings often coincide with new stock arrivals, giving you first pick on fresh produce and other perishables.

  • Personalized Service: With fewer crowds, store employees are more available to assist you, whether it's locating a product or providing a meat-cutting service.

Mid-week Shopping

Weekends might be more convenient, but midweek shopping comes with its own set of perks:

  • Better Deals: Some stores offer mid-week specials that you won't find during the weekend.

  • Reduced Stress: Avoiding the weekend rush means a less stressful experience, making it easier to stick to your shopping list.

  • Stock Availability: Popular items that get picked over during the weekend are usually restocked by mid-week.

Opting for off-peak hours or less crowded days when shopping for groceries not only enhances your overall experience, but it can also save you money and time.

Tip #3: Go for Produce Picking

Seasonal groceries are pocket friendly and more nutritious than all seasoned ones. 

Buy Seasonal Produce

Purchasing produce that is in-season offers a multitude of benefits:

  • Enhanced Flavor: Seasonal fruits and vegetables are harvested at their peak ripeness, making them much more flavorful.

  • Nutrient-Rich: When produce is in-season, it's often richer in nutrients because it has been allowed to fully ripen on the vine or tree.

  • Economic Savings: Seasonal produce is usually in abundance, which often translates into lower prices for the consumer.

  • Environmental Impact: Buying seasonal can also mean buying local, reducing your carbon footprint.

Use Your Senses

Engaging all your senses can be a foolproof way to select the best produce:

  • Visual Inspection: Look for vibrant color and smooth skin. Bruises, dark spots, or mold are warning signs.

  • Touch: The product should feel firm but not hard. Overly soft fruits and vegetables may be overripe.

  • Smell: Fresh produce often has a strong, pleasant aroma. An off or mildew-like smell can indicate spoilage.

  • Sound: Some fruits like watermelon can be tapped for a hollow sound, which usually signifies ripeness.

By prioritizing seasonal purchases and utilizing your senses, you not only elevate the excellence of your meals but also make wise choices that are both economically and environmentally sustainable.

Did you know that according to a report by Grand View Research, the global online grocery market reached an incredible value of USD 11,324.4 billion in 2021? This market is projected to exhibit an extraordinary compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.0% from 2022 to 2030. .

Tip #4: Money-Saving Strategies

Unlock the secret to a cost-effective grocery shopping experience with these money-saving strategies. Learn how to leverage rewards programs and coupons for maximum savings

Use a Grocery Rewards Card

Leveraging a rewards program can provide multidimensional benefits.

  • Earn Points: Accumulate rewards points that can be used for discounts or free items in future visits.

  • Exclusive Promotions: Gain access to member-only deals, coupons, and early-bird specials.

  • Personalized Experience: Some programs analyze your purchase history to offer customized discounts on products that align with your shopping habits.

Use Grocery Coupons Wisely

While coupons can be tempting, using them indiscriminately isn't always cost-effective. Here's how to use coupons wisely:

  • Needs Over Wants: Use coupons only for products that you were planning to buy anyway.

  • Compare Prices: Even with a coupon, the item might not be the cheapest option available. Always check the unit price.

  • Stack Savings: Some stores allow you to use manufacturer's coupons along with store coupons, doubling your discount.

  • Expiration Awareness: Keep track of expiration dates on your coupons to ensure they don't go to waste.

Opting for the appropriate payment method during checkout can enable you to accumulate rewards that have the potential to reduce your expenses. There are dedicated grocery rewards cards available that have the capacity to provide you with cashback of up to 6%.

Tip #5: Opt Perimeter Strategy for Healthier Choices

Transform your grocery shopping into a health-conscious endeavor with the Perimeter Strategy. Discover how store layout can guide you toward healthier food choices

Start on the Outside

The outer perimeter of a grocery store is typically where you'll find the freshest, the least processed items, such as:

  • Fresh Produce: Fruits and vegetables are almost always situated along the perimeter.

  • Dairy and Eggs: These staples are commonly found on the outer edges of the store.

  • Meat and Seafood: Fresh cuts are usually located in sections along the store's perimeter.

Advantages of starting here include

  • Nutritional Value: Fresh produce and lean proteins are nutrient-rich.

  • Less Temptation: You'll be less exposed to processed, unhealthy options.

  • Seasonal Specials: Fresh seasonal produce, often on sale, is usually displayed on the perimeter.

Limit Time in Aisles

While the inner aisles do contain necessary items like spices and baking supplies, they're also laden with processed foods. Here's why limiting your time in these aisles is beneficial:

  • Avoid Unhealthy Choices: Processed foods high in sugar, salt, and preservatives are usually found in the aisles.

  • Budget-Friendly: Processed foods can be more expensive than whole, fresh foods on a per-serving basis.

  • Impulse Control: The more time you spend in the aisles, the more likely you are to make impulse purchases.

By adopting the Perimeter Strategy, you're more likely to fill your cart with healthier options while potentially saving money and time.

Tip #6: Reading Labels: Skill for Smart Shopping

Empower your shopping choices by mastering the art of reading labels. Learn what to look for to make informed, healthy, and cost-effective decisions.

Check Expiry Dates

When shopping, especially for perishable items, paying attention to expiration dates is crucial for several reasons:

  • Safety: Consuming expired foods can be harmful to your health.

  • Waste Management: Items that expire quickly and are not consumed in time contribute to food waste.

  • Budget-Friendly: Knowing expiry dates helps you prioritize what to eat first, allowing you to manage your food expenses better.

Understand Ingredients

Reading the list of ingredients is another vital aspect of label-reading:

  • Health Implications: Fewer ingredients usually mean less processing, which often translates to healthier options.

  • Allergy Awareness: Checking ingredients can help those with food sensitivities or allergies avoid adverse reactions.

  • Cost Comparison: Some products may use filler ingredients that don't contribute to nutritional value but do affect cost. Understanding ingredients helps you get the best value for your money.

  • Ethical Choices: Ingredients can also inform you about ethical considerations, such as whether a product is organic, GMO-free, or sustainably sourced.

By mastering the art of label-reading, you equip yourself with the knowledge to make health-conscious, economically wise, and ethical choices while shopping.

Tip #7: Opt for Store Brands

Discover the hidden value in choosing store brands over name brands. Learn how this simple switch can offer quality products at a fraction of the cost.

Quality Over Brands

Choosing store brands over well-known name brands can offer several advantages:

  • Cost Savings: Store brands are typically priced lower than name brands but offer comparable quality.

  • Similar Manufacturing: Some store brands are even manufactured in the same facilities as their name-brand counterparts.

  • Quality Assurance: Many retailers are committed to providing high-quality store brands, often backed by satisfaction guarantees.

Compare Ingredients

Scrutinizing ingredient lists can reveal that store and name brands are more similar than you might think:

  • Ingredient Similarity: Many store-brand items have ingredient lists nearly identical to those of more expensive name brands.

  • Nutritional Value: Often, there's little to no difference in the nutritional content between store and name brands.

  • Consumer Reviews: Consider checking online reviews or asking for recommendations to validate the quality of store-brand items.

Opting for store brands allows you to maximize value while maintaining quality, providing an excellent way to stretch your grocery budget further.

Tip #8: Beware of Special Offers

Navigate the tricky landscape of special offers with a discerning eye. Learn how to distinguish genuinely good deals from clever marketing ploys.

Check Unit Prices

Special offers can often be misleading. Here are ways to assess their true worth:

  • Per-Unit Cost: Always look at the per-unit cost, usually provided on the shelf tag, to compare true value across brands or package sizes.

  • Hidden Costs: Consider the potential waste of buying more than you need, even if the unit price appears lower.

  • Value Comparison: Sometimes, the non-discounted smaller pack may offer a better unit price than the larger "special offer" pack.

Double-Check Expiry

Items on special offer could be nearing their expiration date. Here's how to handle this:

  • Freshness First: A discounted price isn't a good deal if the item is about to expire, and you can't consume it in time.

  • Application for Non-perishables: For items with a long shelf life, nearing expiry may not be an issue.

  • Reason for Discount: Determine why the item is on special offer. If it's due to a nearing expiration date, consider your ability to use it quickly.

Being cautious with special offers enables you to distinguish between a genuinely good deal and a marketing gimmick, thereby optimizing your spending.

Tip #9: Organize Your Cart: Safe Shopping

Elevate your shopping experience by organizing your cart efficiently. Learn how strategic placement can keep your groceries safe and in optimal condition.

Separate Perishables from Non-Perishables

Smart cart organization involves thoughtful placement of items to preserve their quality:

  • Temperature Control: Keeping frozen and refrigerated items together helps them stay cool longer, reducing the risk of spoilage.

  • Cross-Contamination: Separating perishables like meat from non-perishables can prevent cross-contamination.

  • Ease of Unloading: This separation also makes it easier to unpack at home, as you can place all perishables in the refrigerator at once.

Use the Cart's Layout to Your Advantage

The design of your shopping cart can help protect your purchases:

  • Weight Distribution: Heavier items like canned goods and bulk grains should go at the bottom of the cart to create a stable base.

  • Prevent Damage: Lighter, fragile items like eggs or bread should be placed on top to avoid being crushed.

  • Accessibility: Frequently-needed items like your shopping list or reusable bags can be placed in the child seat for easy access.

When you carefully arrange your shopping cart, you not only improve the efficiency of your shopping trip, but also guarantee the durability and excellence of your purchases.

Did you know: According to the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, approximately one-third of the food produced globally for human consumption—around 1.3 billion tons—is lost or wasted each year? This amount is equivalent to roughly $680 billion in industrialized countries and $310 billion in developing countries.

Tip #10: Learn, Review, and Revise: Smart Shopping

Adopt a cyclical approach to grocery shopping with a  "Learn, Review, and Revise" strategy. Find out how reflection and adjustment can enhance your future shopping experiences.

Learn the Return Policy

Being familiar with a store's return policy is a crucial aspect of shopping confidently:

  • Keep Receipts: Always save your receipts to facilitate any necessary returns or exchanges.

  • Know Your Rights: Understanding the return policy helps you make more informed decisions and provides you a safety net for unsatisfactory purchases.

  • Ease of Mind: Knowing that you have the option to return items can relieve the stress associated with making a wrong choice.

Review and Revise Your Shopping Strategy

Reflecting on your shopping experience offers insights for future trips:

  • Keep Tabs: Review your receipts to identify areas where you might save money next time. Look for patterns in your spending habits to target potential savings.

  • Adjust for the Next Trip: Your shopping experience is a continuous learning curve. Take mental or written notes on what went well and what could be improved.

By learning the return policy, you equip yourself with a safety net for shopping mishaps. Simultaneously, by reviewing and revising your strategy, you set yourself up for more efficient and cost-effective trips in the future.

Tip #11: Embrace Technology and Sustainability

Merge modern convenience with eco-friendly choices through our "Embrace Technology and Sustainability" tips. Learn how tech tools and sustainable practices can enhance your grocery shopping

Embrace Technology for Convenience and Savings

Technological tools can streamline your shopping process and offer cost-saving opportunities:

  • Use Store Apps: Many grocery stores feature apps with functionalities like digital coupons, real-time promotions, and store maps. Some even offer online shopping and curbside pickup options.

  • Take Photos: Don't forget an important ingredient when grocery shopping! Take photos of the recipe's ingredients list for a convenient reference.

Make Eco-Friendly Choices for Sustainability

Choosing sustainable options not only helps the planet but can also offer direct benefits to you:

  • Bulk Bins Over Packaged Goods: Using bulk bins can drastically reduce packaging waste. Remember to bring your own reusable containers to further minimize plastic use.

  • Choose Local: Local produce is not only fresher but also has a lower carbon footprint. Supporting local businesses can lead to a healthier, more sustainable community.

By seamlessly integrating technology and eco-friendly practices into your shopping routine, you can achieve a balance of convenience, cost-effectiveness, and sustainability.

Tip #12: Check Out and Beyond

Make the  moments of your shopping trip count with "Check Out and Beyond" tips. Learn how to capitalize on rewards programs.

Reusable Bags

The use of reusable bags brings both eco-friendly and practical advantages:

  • Strong and Durable: Unlike disposable bags, reusable bags are generally more durable, lowering the risk of groceries tumbling out.

  • Cost-Efficiency: Many stores offer a small monetary incentive or discount for each reusable bag you bring.

  • Better Organization: The variety of sizes and shapes allows for more efficient packing and organization of your groceries.

  • Environmental Benefits: Using reusable bags significantly reduces plastic waste, contributing to a more sustainable future.

Bulk Buys

Buying in bulk can offer significant savings, but it's not always the right choice. Here are some guidelines:

  • Shelf Life: Before buying in bulk, consider the expiration date and your consumption rate for the item.

  • Storage Space: Ensure you have adequate space to store bulk items, especially perishables that may require refrigeration or freezing.

  • Initial Trial: Before committing to a bulk purchase, try a smaller quantity first to make sure it's a product you'll actually use.

  • Calculate Cost-Per-Use: Sometimes an item might seem more expensive upfront, but the cost-per-use could be lowed when bought in bulk.

By utilizing a rewards card and bringing your own reusable bags to the checkout, you can experience an array of advantages, ranging from immediate savings to fostering a greener future.

How Amenify Can Help?

Amenify is a lifestyle service provider that provides online grocery shopping solutions to over 2 million apartments in more than 800 cities. Choose Amenify today for the peace of mind and convenience that come with a spotless living space and effortless grocery shopping.

FAQs on Grocery Shopping Tips

  • The top four grocery shopping tips include creating a shopping list, planning meals in advance, sticking to a budget, and checking for discounts or coupons. These strategies help streamline the shopping process, reduce impulse purchases, and save both time and money.

  • Grocery shopping tips are practical strategies and advice aimed at helping individuals make informed, cost-effective, and healthier choices while shopping for food and household items. These tips cover a range of topics, including budgeting, meal planning, reducing food waste, selecting nutritious options, and navigating the supermarket effectively.

  • The smartest way to shop for groceries involves careful planning. Begin by creating a well-structured shopping list based on your meal plans, which prevents impulse purchases and reduces food waste. Set a budget to avoid overspending, and consider using loyalty programs or cashback rewards to save money. Prioritize purchasing fresh produce and staple items, and check for discounts, coupons, or sales. Finally, shop during off-peak hours to avoid crowds and ensure a more efficient and relaxed shopping experience.


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