How to Deep Clean Your Kitchen?: A Step-by-Step Guide

Are you cleaning your kitchen regularly? But, do you know germs can survive up to three days on moist surfaces, such as kitchen and bathroom sinks?

Ensuring a pristine and sanitary kitchen goes beyond mere visual allure; it is an essential element for the overall health and welfare of your household. Thus, wiping your kitchen daily is not enough to keep you healthy. To truly maintain cleanliness, a deep cleaning is necessary. In this article, we will delve into what is kitchen deep cleaning and how it helps you keep your kitchen clean and maintain hygiene.

What is Kitchen Deep Cleaning?

Kitchen deep cleaning is an extensive, thorough cleaning process, targeting the often ignored or hard-to-reach areas of your kitchen. It involves getting into every nook and cranny, tackling the hard-to-reach areas, and removing stubborn grime and grease that builds up over time. 

In a kitchen, this could mean everything from cleaning behind your fridge, descaling your kettle, degreasing your oven, to washing your trash cans. It's about maintaining not just the visible areas of your kitchen, but also those spots that are often out of sight and out of mind. 

According to a study by the NSF International, a public health and safety organization, these areas are often the germiest. Places like the vegetable compartment in your refrigerator, blender gasket, can opener, and rubber spatula can harbor E.coli, Salmonella, yeast, and mold if not properly cleaned.

Why One Should Deep Clean Your Kitchen?

A clean kitchen is essential for several reasons. There are four main reasons and facts to regularly deep clean your kitchen.

Reason #1: Health and Hygiene

Kitchens can become a breeding ground for harmful bacteria and viruses if not adequately cleaned. Health and hygiene should go hand-in-hand when cleaning your kitchen. A deep-cleaned kitchen significantly reduces the presence of harmful bacteria, viruses, and molds, creating a safer environment for food preparation. This meticulous level of cleanliness is instrumental in preventing foodborne illnesses, ensuring that the food we consume is healthy and free from contamination. In short, deep cleaning your kitchen is a proactive step towards safeguarding your family's health and wellbeing.

Do you know? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that 48 million people get sick from a foodborne illness each year. 

Reason #2: Pest Control

Pest control is a vital aspect of maintaining a clean and healthy kitchen. Pests like cockroaches, ants, and rodents can infiltrate your food supplies and spread diseases. Regularly deep cleaning your kitchen is crucial to minimize the risk of pest infestations. By effectively removing food remnants and eliminating potential hiding spots, you are effectively protecting both your food and your health.

Do you know? The National Pest Management Association reports that 70% of pest professionals have treated infestations in kitchens and food areas.

Reason #3: Longevity of Appliances

Deep cleaning plays a pivotal role in the longevity of your kitchen appliances. By removing accumulated grime and grease, you can ensure your appliances run efficiently, preventing premature wear and tear. Regular maintenance can increase the lifespan of your appliances, saving you money in the long run. In essence, a clean appliance is not just a functioning one, but a cost-effective and environmentally responsible choice.

Do you know? According to Energy Star, regular cleaning can improve the efficiency of your refrigerator and oven by up to 30%.

Reason #4: Mental Well-being

The state of your kitchen can profoundly influence your mental well-being. A clean and organized kitchen invites calmness, making it a comforting space to prepare meals and spend time with loved ones. It can also reduce the cognitive overload caused by a cluttered environment, thereby enhancing focus and creativity. Deep cleaning your kitchen, thus, not only provides a safe space for cooking but also nourishes the mind by fostering a serene and orderly atmosphere.

Do you know? Keeping your bed tidy and living in a clean environment can significantly improve your sleep quality. A survey conducted by the National Sleep Foundation reveals that individuals who take the time to make their beds increase their odds of regularly experiencing a peaceful night's sleep by a remarkable 19%.

Materials Required for Kitchen Deep Cleaning:

You don't need professional equipment to deep clean your kitchen; many necessary items are likely already in your home. Here are the basics:

  1. Cleaning solutions like dish soap, baking soda, white vinegar, and a commercial degreaser.

  2. Tools such as microfiber cloths, scrub brushes, a toothbrush, and rubber gloves.

  3. Equipment like a vacuum with a crevice attachment, a mop, and a bucket.

Must-Read Kitchen Deep Cleaning Statistics:

  • Professional Cleaning Services: According to a market research report by Technavio, the residential cleaning services market, which includes kitchen deep cleaning, is expected to grow by $13.74 billion during 2021-2025, indicating a rising trend in people hiring professionals for deep cleaning.

  • Bacterial Contamination: According to the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF), it is concerning to discover that over 75% of commonly used kitchen cleaning tools, such as dish sponges and rags, are contaminated with various types of coliform bacteria. This group of bacteria alarmingly includes hazardous types such as E.coli and Salmonella.

  • Frequency of Cleaning: A survey conducted by the American Cleaning Institute found that 77% of households spring-clean every year. Deep cleaning the kitchen is typically a major part of this annual ritual.

  • Impact on Health: According to a study conducted by the University of Indiana, having a clean home has a significant impact on our health. In fact, the study revealed that individuals who maintain a clean living space are 50% more likely to engage in physical activities. This finding highlights a clear connection between cleanliness, including thorough kitchen cleaning, and overall well-being.

How to Deep Clean Your Kitchen?

A systematic approach is vital for a thorough deep clean. This alternate guide should give you a slightly different approach to deep cleaning your kitchen while still ensuring a thorough job.

  1. Start With a Plan: Before you start, make a checklist of all the tasks that need to be done. This will help you stay focused and ensure nothing is overlooked.

  2. Purge & Organize: Begin by clearing all items from your kitchen surfaces and emptying every cabinet and drawer. This is an ideal time to declutter your kitchen space. Discard any items that are no longer in use, unnecessary, or have exceeded their use-by date.

  3. Eliminate Dust & Debris: Employ a duster to eradicate any cobwebs and dust from the corners of your ceiling, lighting fixtures, and the upper areas of your cabinets. Follow this by sweeping the floor thoroughly to gather and dispose of any loose debris.

  4. Clean the Cabinets & Drawers: Use a damp cloth and a mild cleaner to wipe down the inside and outside of your cabinets and drawers. Be sure to dry them thoroughly to prevent moisture damage.

  5. Deep Clean Appliances: Each appliance requires different care. Empty the fridge and clean all the shelves and bins. Run the self-cleaning cycle on your oven or use a specialized cleaner. Don't forget about smaller appliances like your toaster or blender.

  6. Scrub the Countertops & Sink: Use a suitable cleaner for your countertop material. For the sink, baking soda and vinegar can be a great combination for tackling grime and giving it a nice shine.

  7. Wash the Walls & Backsplash: Grease and grime can build up on your walls and backsplash. Use a degreaser or a solution of warm water and dish soap to scrub these areas clean.

  8. Clean the Floor: Vacuum the floor to pick up any dust and debris, then mop thoroughly. Make sure to clean under appliances and furniture.

  9. Take Care of the Trash Can: Empty the trash can, scrub it clean, disinfect it, and let it dry before putting in a new bag.

  10. Finish Up: Now that the cleaning is done, return items to their places. Organize your cabinets and drawers for efficiency.

 8 Ways to Maintain your Kitchen after Deep Cleaning

While a deep clean of your kitchen can make it feel like a brand new space, maintenance is key to preserving this cleanliness over time. With a little diligence and a consistent routine, you can keep your kitchen in top shape, reducing the need for frequent deep cleans. Here's how to implement a cleaning schedule to stay on top of tasks.

  1. Regularly Wipe Surfaces: Surfaces can accumulate grime quickly, especially in high-use areas like the stove and counters. Make it a habit to wipe down these surfaces after each meal preparation. Use an all-purpose cleaner and a microfiber cloth to quickly clean up any spills or splatters.

  2. Tidy as You Go: Try to clean up as you cook or prepare food. This approach not only makes the task feel less daunting, but also reduces the chance of spills hardening and stains setting.

  3. Manage the Mess Immediately: Don't let spills sit. The sooner you tackle them, the easier they are to clean. This is especially true for liquids like red wine or tomato sauce, which can stain certain surfaces.

  4. Organize Your Space: A well-organized kitchen is much easier to keep clean. Designate a specific place for everything, and make sure all family members know where things go. After using something, return it to its rightful spot. This prevents clutter from accumulating.

  5. Keep Up with Dishes: Dirty dishes can quickly pile up, making your kitchen look messy and attracting pests. Try to wash dishes after each meal, or at the very least, rinse and stack them neatly until they can be washed.

  6. Take Out the Trash Regularly: Kitchen trash can develop unpleasant odors and attract insects if left too long. Make a habit of taking out the trash every evening.

  7. Weekly Cleaning Tasks: Some tasks should be performed weekly for optimal maintenance. This includes mopping the floor, cleaning the microwave, and sanitizing the sink.

  8. Monthly Maintenance: There are also tasks to consider on a monthly basis. Clean the dishwasher, descale the kettle, and check the fridge for expired items.

How Amenify Can Help in Deep Cleaning Your Kitchen?

Amenify is an excellent example of an online service that offers apartment-related services, including professional deep cleaning. Amenify guarantees top-notch service by teaming up with carefully selected local vendors. Booking a deep clean is as simple as downloading their app, choosing the service you need, and scheduling a time. Amenify is here to take care of those difficult tasks like scrubbing your oven, cleaning out your fridge, and sanitizing your cabinets. Sit back, relax, and enjoy a sparkling clean kitchen with our professional deep cleaning services.


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