How to Declutter Your Home When You're Short on Time?

Feeling swamped by clutter but short on time? You're not alone. Time is often the biggest hurdle in decluttering. Accumulated clutter takes time to sort. But for most, dedicating hours to decluttering isn't realistic. High expectations can lead to frustration and hopelessness.

However, limited time doesn't mean you should abandon your decluttering goals. Progress is still possible; it just needs a different approach.

By changing your mindset and employing time-saving strategies, you can make notable gains. These small steps can help you gradually transform your space into a clutter-free zone.

In our earlier blog about How to Declutter Your Home?, we covered broad methods for organizing your home. Today in this blog, we will share tips on how to declutter your home effectively even when you're short on time

According to a study by the National Association of Professional Organizers (NAPO),54% of Americans are overwhelmed by clutter and 78% are unsure how to manage it. Interestingly, the organization also reports that by simply eliminating clutter, individuals can reduce their housework by as much as 40%."

What is Decluttering?

Clutter is nothing more than postponed decisions.
— Barbara Hemphill

Decluttering is the organized process of removing surplus, unnecessary, or disorganized items from a physical or digital environment. The main aim is to make the space more functional, manageable, and peaceful. It involves scrutinizing belongings and choosing what to keep and what to get rid of, usually by donating, selling, or trashing unwanted items. While the term is often associated with the home, decluttering can be applied to offices, digital spaces, and even one's schedule or mental space.

Why Decluttering Matters?

Understanding why decluttering is crucial can motivate you to learn how to declutter your home. A clutter-free environment does more than just enhance the aesthetics of your living space; it impacts multiple facets of your life. First and foremost, decluttering cultivates a setting that is visually appealing and inviting. An organized space tends to be a calming space, which can significantly reduce stress levels. There's a sense of ease that comes from knowing exactly where everything is and not having to navigate through piles of objects.

Beyond the mental peace, a decluttered home can also be a safer environment. By eliminating unnecessary items, you remove potential tripping hazards, making it easier to move around. This is particularly important for households with young children or elderly members, where the risk of accidental falls can have serious consequences.

Also Read: Benefits-of-Decluttering

10 Tips to Declutter When You're Short on Time

Facing a cluttered home but short on time? Discover 10 quick and effective tips to streamline your living space without sacrificing hours.

Tip #1: Break it Down into Manageable Tasks

The strategy of breaking tasks into smaller, manageable chunks is essential for those figuring out how to declutter your home, especially when operating under time constraints. Trying to tackle the entire home at once is overwhelming and counterproductive. Focusing on one room or even a designated corner within a room feels more achievable and less intimidating. Moreover, setting a time limit for these tasks adds a layer of urgency. This approach enables you to make meaningful progress without sacrificing large chunks of your day, making decluttering more compatible with a busy lifestyle.

Tip #2: The Five-Minute Rule

If you're extremely pressed for time, employ the five-minute rule. Walk through your home and identify areas that can be decluttered in five minutes or less. These could include:

  • Clearing off a coffee table

  • Organizing a drawer

  • Throwing away old magazines

By targeting these small tasks, you can accumulate significant improvements over time, and this incremental approach can boost your morale and motivation to take on larger tasks.

Tip #3: The One-Touch Rule

Incorporating the One-Touch Rule into your strategy can significantly improve the efficiency of how to declutter your home. This rule is refreshingly simple but profoundly effective: any item you touch should be placed in its correct spot immediately. Adhering to this principle prevents the formation of clutter piles, often composed of items that have been moved and handled multiple times. The rule encourages immediate action, which ultimately saves you time that might otherwise be spent repeatedly reorganizing the same items.

Tip #4: Use Storage Solutions Wisely

Intelligent storage solutions are a cornerstone of learning how to declutter your home successfully. Investing in quality storage options such as clear bins, label makers, and over-the-door organizers offers dual benefits. First, these storage solutions help you categorize and store items neatly, making your space visually appealing. Second, they make the retrieval process much easier, saving you both time and the stress of rummaging through disorganized spaces to find what you need.

Tip #5: Don’t Forget Digital Decluttering

Also Read: How to Declutter Your Apartment?

Digital decluttering is an often-overlooked aspect that complements the process of how to declutter your home in today's digital age. Just like physical clutter, digital clutter can create stress and sap productivity. Spend some time cleaning up your computer's desktop, archiving or deleting unneeded files, and organizing your digital photos. Doing so not only frees up valuable digital storage space but also makes your digital workspace more efficient and less stressful.

Tip #6: Involve the Family

If you live with family or roommates, turn decluttering into a group activity. Assign each participant a designated area and set a timer to create a sense of urgency. Collective participation often results in more rapid decluttering, as each person focuses on their assigned space. This collaborative approach also fosters accountability and offers a shared sense of achievement.

Tip #7: The Three-Box Method

The Three-Box Method is a highly effective framework for anyone grappling with decluttering. This technique involves labeling three boxes as “Keep,” “Discard,” and “Donate” as you sort through items in each room. This sorting system speeds up the decision-making process, reducing the time spent hesitating or second-guessing. Having a predetermined place for each item streamlines the decluttering process and helps you make more decisive choices.

Tip #8: Avoiding the Re-Clutter

Preventing re-clutter is an ongoing task that complements the initial efforts of learning how to declutter your home. It's important to adopt daily or weekly habits to maintain your newly organized space. Just a few minutes spent tidying up each day can help sustain a clutter-free environment. Furthermore, exercise caution before bringing any new items into your home. Evaluate whether these items are essential or if they will contribute to a renewed clutter problem.

Tip #9: The 12-12-12 Challenge

This ingenious tactic brings both structure and a gamified element to the task of how to declutter your home. The 12-12-12 Challenge involves three simple steps, each requiring you to identify 12 items from your living space. The first set of 12 items are to be thrown away, facilitating immediate reduction of waste. The second set comprises 12 items you can donate, helping you give back to the community while decluttering. The third set includes 12 items that need to be returned to their designated places within the home, fostering better organization. This approach enables you to swiftly sift through 36 items, making immediate and visible improvements to your space. In essence, the 12-12-12 Challenge is not just about decluttering; it's about conscious living, contributing to societal well-being, and promoting self-discipline.

Tip #10: The 90/90 Rule

This rule addresses the paralysis often caused by indecision when figuring out how to declutter your home. If you're stuck on whether to keep or discard an item, the 90/90 Rule offers a pragmatic approach. Simply ask yourself: "Have I used this item in the last 90 days?" If the answer is negative, consider whether you'll utilize the item within the coming 90 days? If the answer is still no, the item is a prime candidate for removal. The dual time frames address both the recent past and the immediate future, enabling you to make decisions based on actual utility rather than emotional attachment or perceived future need. This rule encourages you to maintain only those items that are truly relevant to your life, streamlining your possessions to better align with your daily needs and long-term goals.

Learning how to declutter your home doesn't have to be an overwhelming or time-consuming process. By adopting various time-saving methods, involving all household members, and incorporating consistent upkeep into your routine, you can achieve and maintain a clutter-free, tranquil living environment—even when you're short on time.

Also Read: Tips to Clean Your Apartment

Pros and Cons

Looking to declutter but pressed for time? Explore the pros and cons of quick decluttering strategies to make the most of your limited schedule.


  • Quick Results: Using time-efficient strategies like the 12-12-12 Challenge can offer immediate visible improvements, giving you a sense of accomplishment in a short time.

  • Psychological Boost: Completing small tasks in quick succession can be motivating and can make the larger project of decluttering seem more manageable.

  • Flexibility: Short bursts of decluttering can easily be fit into a busy schedule, allowing for more consistent effort over time.

  • Better Focus: Knowing you have limited time can sharpen your focus and decision-making abilities, helping you to more quickly determine what items to keep, discard, or donate.

  • Family Involvement: When time is short, every family member can be allocated a small, specific task. It can become a group activity that accomplishes more in less time.


  • Surface-Level: When you're short on time, the decluttering often tackles only the most visible problems and may not address hidden clutter in closets, drawers, or storage units.

  • Temporary Solutions: Quick fixes may not offer long-term solutions to clutter problems, requiring frequent reorganization.

  • Hasty Decisions: The pressure to act quickly may lead to regrettable choices, like discarding items of sentimental or practical value.

  • Incomplete Tasks: Due to the time constraint, some tasks may be left incomplete, requiring additional rounds of decluttering later on.

  • Potential Stress: Knowing you're working against the clock might induce stress, making the process less enjoyable and possibly less effective.

Understanding these pros and cons can help you make the most of your time when you're looking to declutter your home efficiently. It allows you to strike a balance between quick results and thorough organization.

How Amenify Can Help?

Experience the life-altering benefits of a clutter-free environment with Amenify's professional cleaning services. Incorporate us into your regular routine, and discover how even limited time investments can yield a consistently organized home. Operating in over 900 cities and trusted by more than 2 million households, Amenify has earned 15,000+ five-star reviews by providing a wide array of lifestyle services. Register with us today to relish the peace and freedom of a professionally cared-for living space.


  • The 20-20 rule for decluttering suggests that if you can replace an item within 20 minutes for less than $20, it's safe to let go. This rule is especially helpful for items you're hesitant to part with, as it reassures you that the item is easily replaceable.

  • The quickest way to declutter a house is to start with a "quick win" strategy. Tackle easily accessible areas like countertops, desks, or specific drawers, and use techniques like the Five-Minute Rule to clear out obvious clutter. This approach provides immediate visual improvement, motivating you to continue.

  • Starting to declutter can be overwhelming, but it's often best to start with a non-intimidating space like a single drawer or a corner of your room. Alternatively, start with the area that bothers you the most to get immediate emotional relief.

  • The time required to declutter an entire house varies depending on the size of the space and the amount of clutter. It can range from a weekend for smaller homes with moderate clutter to several weeks or even months for larger homes or more substantial clutter issues.


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