How to Clean Shower Grout?

How to Clean Shower Grout?

Even if your shower is sparkling, discolored grout can make the entire area seem neglected. Cleaning shower grout is an essential part of bathroom maintenance that not only keeps the area looking pristine but also extends the life of your tiles by preventing mold and mildew buildup. Grout, being porous, can easily become a breeding ground for bacteria and a repository for stains, making regular cleaning a necessity. 

However, many often hesitate to embark on this task due to concerns about the harsh chemicals typically associated with deep cleaning. Fortunately, there are effective and environmentally friendly methods that can restore the sparkle to your shower grout using everyday household items. 

In today's blog, we will explore effective methods of how to clean shower grout, ensuring that your bathroom retains its pristine and welcoming look.

What is Shower Grout?

Shower grout is a crucial component of bathroom tiling that fills the spaces between tiles, preventing water from penetrating and causing damage. Typically made from a mixture of water, cement, and sand, grout is porous and can absorb moisture and harbor bacteria, leading to staining and mold growth. This makes learning how to clean shower grout an important part of bathroom maintenance.

Properly cleaning shower grout involves using safe and effective methods that penetrate the grout's porous surface to remove dirt, soap scum, and mildew. For those pondering how to clean shower grout without resorting to harsh chemicals, household items like vinegar, baking soda, and hydrogen peroxide are excellent options. They are not only effective at cleaning but also gentle enough to preserve the integrity of the grout while safeguarding your health and the environment. Through regular and proper cleaning techniques, shower grout can be kept in good condition, extending the life of your shower and contributing to an overall cleaner bathroom environment.

Cleaning Supplies You’ll Need?

When embarking on the task of how to clean shower grout, it's important to have the right cleaning supplies on hand to ensure efficiency and effectiveness. Here's what you'll need in terms of tools and supplies:


  • Scrub brush or old toothbrush

  • Electric toothbrush (optional)

  • Spray bottle

  • Microfiber cloth or sponge

  • Protective gloves

  • Eye protection (optional)

  • Bucket


  • White vinegar

  • Baking soda (bicarbonate of soda)

  • Hydrogen peroxide

  • Dish soap (vegetable-based preferred)

  • Warm water

  • Cream of tartar (optional)

  • Lemon juice (optional)

Equipping yourself with these supplies will streamline the process of how to clean shower grout. Remember, regular maintenance using the right tools and techniques is key to keeping your shower grout in pristine condition.

7 Preparatory Steps Before Getting Started

7 Preparatory Steps Cleaning Of Shower Grout

Before you start the process of how to clean shower grout, it's crucial to prepare properly to ensure a safe and effective cleaning process. Following these preparatory steps can make a significant difference in the outcome and ease of cleaning.

Step #1: Gather All Necessary Supplies

This involves collecting all the tools and materials you'll need for cleaning. This includes brushes for scrubbing, cleaning agents (like vinegar, baking soda, or commercial grout cleaners), protective gloves to shield your hands, and a bucket for mixing solutions or rinsing. Having everything in one place before you begin saves time and prevents interruptions.

Step #2: Ensure Proper Ventilation

Adequate ventilation is crucial, particularly when using chemical cleaning agents. To ensure fresh air circulation, open the windows and doors. This step minimizes the inhalation of fumes, which can be hazardous in confined spaces. Good air circulation also helps in drying the grout faster post-cleaning.

Step #3: Wear Protective Gear 

Safety should always be a priority. Gloves protect your hands from both the grime and the potentially harsh effects of cleaners. If using strong chemicals, or if you’re prone to eye irritation, safety goggles can prevent accidental splashes from causing discomfort or harm.

Step #4: Clear the Shower Area

Removing all personal items from the shower allows you to access the grout lines without obstruction. This step ensures that you can clean every inch effectively and prevents any damage to your personal items from cleaning solutions.

Step #5: Pre-Clean the Area

Before applying any wet solutions, a quick pre-clean to remove loose dirt and debris is beneficial. This can be done with a dry brush or cloth. It’s easier to tackle the deeper stains in the grout when the surface grime is cleared away.

Step #6: Prepare Your Chosen Cleaning Solution 

Whether you’re opting for a homemade solution or a commercial product, prepare it according to the instructions. For homemade cleaners, accurate measurements are key to creating an effective solution.

Step #7: Conduct a Patch Test

Testing the cleaner on a small, hidden area of grout ensures that it won’t cause any discoloration or damage. This step is crucial for maintaining the appearance of your tiles and can prevent costly mistakes.

By paying attention to these detailed preparatory steps, you’re laying the groundwork for a successful and safe cleaning process. This thorough approach is essential in learning how to clean shower grout effectively, ensuring that your bathroom remains both hygienic and visually appealing.

10 Tips on How to Clean Shower Grout?

Cleaning shower grout is a task that can transform the look of your bathroom, making it feel fresher and more hygienic. Below are the 10 useful tips on how to clean shower grout to help you achieve sparkling clean grout using simple, yet effective methods.

Tip #1: Choose Your Cleaning Solution

  • Natural Cleaners: For those looking into how to clean shower grout in an environmentally friendly way, a mixture of white vinegar and water is a highly effective solution. To create this natural cleaner, mix equal parts of white vinegar and water and pour it into a spray bottle. This makes application easy and allows for even coverage over the grout. For tougher or more stubborn stains, a paste made from baking soda and water can be particularly effective. Baking soda acts as a gentle, natural abrasive that scrubs away dirt without damaging the grout. Both of these methods provide an eco-friendly approach to cleaning shower grout, ensuring cleanliness without the use of harsh chemicals

  • Commercial Cleaners: For those looking into how to clean shower grout in an environmentally friendly way, a mixture of white vinegar and water is a highly effective solution. To create this natural cleaner, mix equal parts of white vinegar and water and pour it into a spray bottle. This makes application easy and allows for even coverage over the grout. For tougher or more stubborn stains, a paste made from baking soda and water can be particularly effective. Baking soda acts as a gentle, natural abrasive that scrubs away dirt without damaging the grout. Both of these methods provide an eco-friendly approach to cleaning shower grout, ensuring cleanliness without the use of harsh chemicals.

Tip #2: Apply the Cleaning Solution

Carefully apply the cleaner to the grout lines. If using a spray, ensure even coverage. For paste applications, use a gloved finger or a small brush to apply directly onto the grout. Allow the solution to sit for 5-10 minutes for sprays, and up to 30 minutes for pastes, to break down the dirt effectively.

Tip #3: Scrub the Grout

Use a stiff-bristled brush, such as a grout brush or an old toothbrush, for scrubbing. An electric toothbrush can be particularly effective, offering more scrubbing power with less effort. Pay special attention to discolored or heavily stained areas, applying more pressure as needed.

Tip #4: Rinse Thoroughly

After scrubbing, it's crucial to rinse off the cleaning solution completely. You can use a handheld showerhead or a damp microfiber cloth. Ensure that all residue is removed to prevent any leftover cleaning solution from attracting more dirt.

Tip #5: Dry and Assess

Use a clean, dry cloth to wipe down the tiles and grout. This not only removes any remaining moisture but also allows you to see if any areas need additional cleaning. If stains persist, a second round of application and scrubbing may be necessary.

Tip #6: Seal the Grout

Once the grout is clean and completely dry, consider applying a grout sealer. This helps in repelling future stains and can make regular cleaning easier. Sealers come in various types, including spray-on and applicator-based, and choosing the right one depends on your grout type and tile material.

Tip #7: Regular Maintenance

Prevent grout from becoming overly dirty by regularly cleaning it. After each shower, quickly wiping down the grout with a squeegee or cloth can significantly reduce the buildup of soap scum and moisture, which can lead to mold and mildew.

Tip #8: Use the Right Tools

When exploring how to clean shower grout effectively, selecting the right tools is crucial. Tools that can penetrate grout lines without causing damage are essential for this task. An old toothbrush is an excellent choice due to its small head and stiff bristles, which are perfect for getting into the narrow grout lines. For those seeking a more thorough clean with minimal manual effort, an electric toothbrush can be a significant game-changer. The vibrating bristles of an electric toothbrush provide a deeper clean with less physical exertion, making it an ideal tool for maintaining clean and bright shower grout..

Tip 9#: Avoid Bleach

While bleach is often considered a powerful cleaner, it can lead to discoloration of grout. Instead, hydrogen peroxide can be a safer alternative for whitening and disinfecting, offering similar results without the harshness.

Tip #10: Let the Cleaner Sit 

Application of a cleaner is just the first step. Allow it to sit for a while – usually 5 to 10 minutes – to penetrate the grout's surface and loosen the dirt, making the scrubbing process more effective

Effective grout cleaning not only improves the appearance of your bathroom but also contributes to a healthier living environment. By following these tips on how to clean shower grout, you can tackle this task with confidence. Regular cleaning and maintenance, along with the occasional application of a grout sealer, will keep your shower looking fresh and clean for years to come. 

What Things to Avoid?

When cleaning shower grout, certain practices and products should be avoided to prevent damage and ensure long-lasting cleanliness. Here are key things to avoid in the process of how to clean shower grout:

  • Harsh Chemicals: Strong acids or alkaline cleaners can erode grout over time. Avoid using harsh chemicals like bleach or ammonia-based cleaners, as they can weaken the grout, leading to cracking and chipping.

  • Abrasive Scrubbers: While scrubbing is necessary, using overly abrasive tools like steel wool or harsh scouring pads can scratch and damage both the tiles and the grout. Stick to softer brushes, like a nylon scrub brush or an old toothbrush.

  • Excessive Water: While cleaning, avoid using too much water, especially if the grout isn’t sealed. Excessive moisture can seep into unsealed grout, causing it to weaken or become a breeding ground for mold and mildew.

  • Colored Cleaners: Avoid using cleaners with dyes or colors, as they can stain the grout, especially if it is light-colored or white. Opt for clear or white cleaning solutions to prevent any color transfer.

  • Ignoring Sealant: Neglecting to seal the grout after cleaning can leave it vulnerable to future stains and water damage. Always seal the grout after a thorough cleaning to protect it.

  • Overuse of Vinegar: While vinegar is a great natural cleaner, its acidic nature can gradually break down grout. Use it sparingly and dilute it properly with water. It’s especially important to be cautious with vinegar if you have natural stone tiles, as it can etch the surface.

  • Leaving Cleaner on Too Long: While letting cleaners sit for a bit can improve their effectiveness, leaving them on the grout for too long can cause damage. Always follow the recommended sitting time for any cleaner.

  • Frequent Deep Cleanings: Over-cleaning grout with deep cleaning methods can wear it down over time. Regular light cleanings are better than frequent aggressive cleanings.

By avoiding these practices and products, you can clean your shower grout effectively without causing any inadvertent damage. This will ensure that your grout remains in good condition, prolonging its lifespan and appearance.

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FAQs On How to Clean Shower Grout?

  • To keep your grout clean, regular maintenance is key. This includes wiping down the shower after each use to prevent mold and mildew buildup. Applying a grout sealer can also help as it creates a barrier against moisture and stains. Additionally, schedule regular deep cleans every few months, depending on the usage and exposure to moisture and soap scum.

  • Shower grout should be cleaned thoroughly at least every two months. However, this can vary depending on the amount of use and exposure to moisture and soap scum. In high-use bathrooms or those with poor ventilation, more frequent cleaning may be necessary to prevent mold and mildew growth.

  • After cleaning the grout, it's usually recommended to wait at least 24 hours before exposing it to water or moisture again. This ensures that the grout is completely dry and any cleaners used have completely dissipated. If you've resealed the grout, check the sealer's instructions, as drying times can vary.

  • While it's not always necessary to clean grout immediately after noticing dirt or mildew, it's better to clean it sooner rather than later. Allowing grime and moisture to sit can lead to deeper stains and potential mold growth, making the cleaning process more difficult in the long run. Regular light cleaning can prevent the need for more intensive scrubbing later.


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